Washington Medicaid: Preeclampsia awareness project
The state’s Blue Band Initiative alerts health care providers of a patient's risk for preeclampsia
The Blue Band Initiative is an effort by the Washington State Department of Health to alert health care providers about a patient's risk for preeclampsia. Patients who are at risk of developing preeclampsia or having elevated blood pressure after giving birth wear a blue wrist band during pregnancy and after delivery of their babies.
Action requested
If you notice a blue band on a patient, please consider how the symptoms they’re reporting could relate to pregnancy and postpartum health. Catching hypertensive and other cardiovascular complications early can help prevent morbidity and mortality.
Patient education
High-risk patients given the band receive education on the signs and symptoms to report, the importance of regular blood pressure checks and postpartum appointments, and the increased risk of hypertension and other cardiovascular complications later in life.
If your facility would like to participate, or if you'd like more information about the awareness project, please contact the Washington Blue Band Initiative
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