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Equitable care, better health this Pride Month

Update your profile to show you offer LGBTQ+ supportive services.

Avoid directory removal: Verify your demographic data

We may remove unattested data from the UnitedHealthcare Provider Directory if we can’t verify your information.

June monthly overview

Review the latest UnitedHealthcare prior authorization, medical policy, pharmacy, reimbursement, laboratory and policy and protocol updates.

New Jersey Medicaid: Help ease the strain of rising medication costs

With prescription costs on the rise, explore strategies you can use to help patients manage their medication expenses.

Nominate a deserving attendant for the UnitedHealthcare REACH Award in Texas

Nominate an attendant for the UnitedHealthcare REACH Award by Aug. 31, 2024.

Ohio Medicaid: Balance billing is not permitted

See what steps you can take to stay compliant with balance billing regulations.