August 01, 2023
Nebraska Medicaid: Prior authorization updates for genetic and molecular testing
Effective Oct. 1, 2023, we’re updating the prior authorization requirements for genetic and molecular testing services for UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Nebraska. This is part of our ongoing efforts to expand our genetic programs, which are currently active in 20 states.
See the updates.
How to submit a request
You can submit a prior authorization request through the UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal:
- Go to and select Sign In at the top-right corner
- Sign in to the portal using your One Healthcare ID and password
- If you are a new user and don’t have a One Healthcare ID, visit to get started
- In the menu, select Prior Authorizations
- In the Prior Authorization and Notification tool, scroll down to “Create a new notification or prior authorization request” and click Create New Submissions
- Enter the required information and submit
If you have questions, call our genetic and molecular pathology prior authorization program line at 877-303-7736 or visit our Genetic and molecular pathology prior authorization/advance notification page.