
February 01, 2023

Extended peer-to-peer review request window

Last modified: July 3. 2024
Update: The Questions section has been altered to include updated UnitedHealthcare contact information.

Available for all Minnesota in-network hospitals

Effective immediately, participating Minnesota hospitals now have 7 business days to request a peer-to-peer review of determinations related to acute inpatient level of care and length of stay.

This new 7-day time frame is available for all in network hospitals in Minnesota and applies to decisions for UnitedHealthcare® Medicare Advantage or UnitedHealthcare commercial plan members.

When we make a determination, you’ll receive a communication with our decision. That communication will have instructions for requesting a peer-to-peer review.


Follow the instructions in the determination communication if you have questions about a particular decision or criteria.

For more information, connect with us through chat 24/7 in the UnitedHealthcare Provider Portal.

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